Chiropractic allows athletes ( professionals or amateurs):
- to reduce the risk of injury and reinforce weaknesses (muscles, ligaments, etc.)
- to strengthen instabilities caused by intensive training
- optimize the benefits of their training
- improve their performance
- improve flexibility
- improve recovery time

"Since I’ve been in chiropractic, I’ve improved by leaps and bounds both mentally and physically "

"Chiropractic gives me the flexibility I need to keep in the game"

"I don't always win gold medals, but when I do, I get adjusted first. Stay healthy my friends!"

"Since I’ve been in chiropractic, I’ve improved by leaps and bounds both mentally and physically "
Thanks to gentle and precise techniques we treat infants, and young children to:
- improve their sleep
- improve the maturity of their immune system
- diminish colics and digestive issues
- reduce certain flattening of the head (plagiocephaly)
We strongly recommend infants and young children to be evaluated by a chiropractor, as soon as possible.
Pregnant Women
During a woman's pregnancy her body is constantly adapting to new structural, physiological, and emotional factors in order to meet the needs of the fetus. This leads to weight gain, an increase in breast volume, an increase in ligament laxity in order to allow the opening of the pelvis, and numerous hormonal changes. The center of gravity moves forward accentuating the curves that are present in the spinal column. With all these important changes chiropractic is strongly recommended throughout the pregnancy, helping the body adjust to these new changes. Chiropractic also improves recovery time post-partum.
We, also, have a natural and non-invasive technique for babies in a breech position. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Whether your child is learning a new language, competing in sports, or choosing his future career this is a time of radical change be it hormonal, or structural. Chiropractic can help with:
- correcting posture (aggravated by carrying a heavy backpack, a slouched position in class, text neck...)
- scoliosis
- hormonal developement
- attention deficit disorder, dyslexia,...
- maintain and improving athletic performance during the growth phase.
We live in a society where stress is constantly present, there exist several types of stress:
- Emotional stress: at work (colleagues, bosses, commute..), family (children, teens, marriage difficulties, or arguments with different family members), financial stress...
- Chemical stress: pollution, poor diet, dehydration, pesticides,...
- Physical stress: poor posture at work, lack of exercising, intensive training, accidents...
Our treatment plan begins with a thorough examination. Evaluating the patient as a whole, in order, to help them adapt and thrive in everyday activities.
Who doesn't dream of one day being retired, where you finally have the time to do all the things you wanted to do. Thanks to gentle techniques chiropractic can help accompany seniors towards a dynamic, and pain free retirement. Treatments are focused on improving range of motion, and optimizing proprioception.
Chiropractic focuses on the overall health of the body. Symptoms, therefore, are an indicator allowing the body to express a problem that is occurring. Adjustments are strongly recommended when there is no pain. This helps ensure that optimal health is maintained.
There exist three phases of care:
- Painl relief phase
- Correction phase
- Strengthen and prevention phase - this is the most important phase
In which phase are you right now?
Optimal health
Excellent nutrition and lifestyle
Good health
Nutrition and exercise
Proactive treatment

Pain & Trauma
Health problems
Various symptoms
Comfort zone
Okay health
No symptoms
Strengthen and prevention phase
Correction phase
Pain relief phase
Joint Pain
Shoulder problems
Elbow problems (tennis / golf elbow)
Wrist Problems (syndrome du tunnel carpien)
Hip disorders
Knee Pain
Ankle sprains
Overall Health
Poor posture
Auto-immune disorders
Digestive problems
Heart Burn
Stress and depression
Burn Out

Soft Tissue Injuries
Ilio-tibial band injuries
Athletic performance
Muscle spasm