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Dr. Eléanor Grothman D.C.

Eléanor grew up in France, as well as, French Polynesia. She developed a strong passion for alternative healthcare after discovering chiropractic at the age of 17.  Following her first chiropractic adjustment she quickly realized this was her life's calling.  Due to her love for traveling, she decided to live in Chicago after finishing chiropractic school, with her husband Alexander.  For two years she worked as an associate in a large chiropractic group.  After her experience there she decided to join Alexander and his family in their clinic in the western suburbs of Chicago.  For five years she learned and mastered new techniques.  In 2019 after a long trip in Europe, Eleanor and Alexander decided to move back to France to open their own clinic in downtown Lyon.  

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Dr. Alexandre Grothman D.C.

Alexander was born and raised in the western suburbs of Chicago.  At a young age he discovered tennis and competed nationally as a junior.  Thanks to the chiropractic care he received from his parents, Alexander was able to play an intense schedule, and climbed the rankings (#2 nationals 16 and under) without being injured.  Quite the opposite of his competition who were frequently handicapped by injuries, which is why, at the age of 17 he decided to put a stop to his career as a tennis player and become a chiropractor.  With his French roots he decided to study abroad at the Institut Franco Europeen de Chiropratique (IFEC).  After completing chiropractic school he decided to return to Chicago with his wife Eleanor. During five years in Chicago they traveled intensively, in order, to find new techniques to hone their skills.  After acquiring an extensive experience they decided to return to France in 2019. 


- Chiropractor (lnstitut Franco-Européen de Chiropratique) - 2014

- Doctor of Chiropractic (Chiropractic European Academy) - 2014

- National Board of Chiropractic Examination (NBCE) - 2014 et 2015

- Illinois chiropractic license - since 2014

- Neuro Emotional Technique Certification (N.E.T.) - 2019

- Functional Medecine Certification  - 2014 

Techniques we use :

- Sacro Occipital Technique (S.O.T.)

- Diversified

- Total Body Modification (T.B.M.)

- Neuro Emotional Technique (N.E.T.)

- Applied Kinesiology (A.K.)

- Bio Energy Synchronisation Technique (B.E.S.T.)

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